Give Your Families Lasting Memories With Beautiful Memorial Productions and Time Capsule Sites

Give Your Families Lasting Memories With Beautiful Memorial Productions and Time Capsule Sites

As a funeral home, you understand the importance of the details when arranging services. Resulting in how your clients' loved ones are remembered.

We work with funeral homes to craft the memorial service into a beautiful memory that is broadcasted and recorded as well as provide a everlasting digital place to host it all - FREE FOREVER.


Place an order and provide the obituary, memorial details, and any photos and videos provided to the funeral home.

Provide link to the families to join the Time Capsule site. They can also search the Forevermore Directory.

Setup cameras, tablets, and/or phone and add the footage to studio up to 15 minutes before the start of service.

Request A Free Account and Listing With A Partnerhsip

By Partnering with Forevermore Collections, you are delivering a lifetime of memories that can have a lasting impact for generations. There is no cost to you.


How does partnering with Forevermore Collections benefits my funeral home?

Our digital products and services are great additions to funeral home existing offerings. Essentially, adding LIVE broadcasting and Digital keepsakes, keep your funeral home in the mind of those families you have served. You are able to share a special message with Time Capsule guest with your logo.

As partners, we list your funeral home on our directory. This allows us to direct potential clients in need of full funeral service to your funeral home.

Are there any additional cost associated with a partnership?

There is absolutely no additional cost to you for Forevermore Collection product and/or services. You simply offer the service to clients. If they are interested in adding our services, you simply bundle the associate cost within your billing.

Do you speak with our clients during the process?

By default, we work with your funeral home to collect the details provided by the families to make everything seamless through the planning process.

However, if it is more beneficial for your funeral home, you can opt into having our team work directly with your client. 

This is our first time offering LIVE broadcasting. Is there anything we need to be successful?

Yes. You will need some equipment –

Tablets or phones.

A strong internet connection.

A personnel on staff who will work with our producers during the memorial as a point of contact.

Our Advisors will provide a detail guide to assist with getting started.


We offer live streaming internally. Are there any differences in our offering and Forevermore?

You may offer a similar service in-house, however the resources used by internal teams to deliver a custom designed memorial service and a memory site can be used elsewhere.

Outsourcing your production can save your funeral home the time and money.